California needs a powerful leader who has the knowledge, experience and integrity to provide real solutions for our State’s most pressing and concerning problems.
I am David Lozano, and I am that leader.
My devotion to Public Service and the Administration of Justice spans over 40 years.
In 1980, I took an oath as a Los Angeles County Sheriff to uphold the law and protect my community where I served with pride and distinction. Years later, in 1993, I swore an oath to defend the Constitution of the United States as an attorney, a solemn duty I cherish to this day. My law enforcement background combined with my legal experience is the foundation of my qualifications as both a leader and a source of creative and innovative solutions.
As a Peace Officer, I have dealt directly with issues of homelessness, drug enforcement, mental health and community safety. As one of California’s most respected, aggressive and skillful attorneys, I have fought for over 28 years for the economic rights of all Californians by saving their homes from foreclosure, their businesses from shutting down and their lives from financial ruin.
California needs an aggressive, skillful advocate to safeguard our Cities and Communities on a range of issues that include healthcare, civil rights, police reform and the quality education for all our children.
I am asking for you to believe in our State’s future by voting for me as your next Governor
Homelessness Can Be Solved
The main reason David Lozano is running for Governor is to put an end to homelessness. David holds the solution to this incredible problem, but it takes great courage, fortitude, creativity and unyielding determination – which David has – both as a leader and as the future Governor of California. From his first day in office, David will immediately begin the journey of providing temporary then permanent housing, food, clothing, and soon thereafter jobs – so that these people can once again re-enter society with honor and dignity. Along with this solution, those homeless that suffer from mental illness, alcohol and drug addiction will be provided medical and psychological support so that they too can return to society to join their family and friends in seeking a better tomorrow. And at the same time, by doing all this, by helping the homeless, we can return our streets to the safe, clean, beautiful environment they once were, so that all Californians can use these streets, sidewalks and parks and enjoy them once again.
- Excerpt from David Lozano’s Upcoming Book – Solution to Homelessness
To begin down the path of curing the pain and disparity of homelessness one must begin with respect. Respect of the individual homeless person and their personal life belongings. For decades we have looked upon the homeless as disgusting rejects of society. We have cared nothing of their belongings, their health, their dignity or their future. We simply want them removed and discarded somewhere else, but certainly as far away from our surroundings as possible with the hope that they will never return. Nothing can be further from the truth from what we must do as a society in order to help these fellow countrymen (and women and children) who suffer from being homeless. If we can respect these people and their belongings, we have the beginnings of building their trust and cooperation in resolving the world we call homelessness
161,538 Homeless in California as of March 1, 2021 Up 7% from 2020.
By voting for David Lozano as your next Governor, he will take action to see that the following matters will be brought immediately to the forefront of the State Legislature. He will aggressively and tirelessly fight for all of the following issues, and as a result, California will once again become the greatest of all the 50 states, and it will be the country’s most secure, safest and proudest State to reside and raise a family in.
Issues David Lozano will address and solve as Governor . . .
Upon taking office, David Lozano will reintroduce the Industrial Arts and Skilled Trades back into all our High Schools and Community Colleges throughout the entire State of California. This means we are going to bring back Wood Shop, Automotive Shop, Carpentry, Machine Shop, Metallurgy, Electronics, Building and Construction, Plumbing, Air Conditioning, Sheet Metal and so much more. But not only that. Once a student graduates from high school and has an interest in pursuing one of these exciting careers, as Governor, David is proposing these students enter into a 4-to-5-year apprentice program offered by both the trade unions and associations where they can graduate not only with a degree, but with a starting income ranging from $60,000 - $80,000 a year with full benefits and a retirement plan.
Not every student is destined to go to college after high school. Not every student is meant to be a doctor, a lawyer, a biologist or a chemist. We need these industrial arts for these students, we have always needed them, and we never should have let them go. David Lozano is here to put these industrial arts and skilled trades back into our school system.
Candidate Lozano
Lozano - Veterans
Lozano - Police Reform
David Lozano has a remarkable background, both professionally and personally, spanning over four decades of dedicated service to California and its citizens, where he is currently an accomplished and well-recognized attorney in state and federal court. David is a skilled and aggressive negotiator in business and personal finance, and a respected advisor to attorneys and law firms throughout the country. He’s owned, managed, and operated his own law firm and several other law firms as a senior partner for more than 28 years. Though David has represented clients in areas ranging from criminal defense to civil contracts, he specializes in resolving complex financial cases. His work in this area has saved thousands of California residents’ homes from foreclosure, their businesses from closing, and their lives and careers from financial ruin. He is proud of these accomplishments, which have earned him the respect and gratitude of judges and U.S. Trustees throughout the Central and Eastern Districts of California.
Prior to becoming an attorney, David was a Los Angeles County Deputy Sheriff and a reserve police officer for the City of Monterey Park. He became a seasoned, highly experienced law enforcement officer through his training and working at one of the most dangerous areas of Los Angeles - South Central’s Lennox Sheriff Station in Watts, home to the notorious Crips and Bloods street gangs in the 1980s. David worked the station’s graveyard shift and was involved in making over 100 felony arrests, as well as being involved in numerous life-saving rescue operations and investigative crime teams that received several department commendations. David also worked at the inmate reception center (IRC) of the Men's Central Jail in downtown L.A., Biscailuz Center, Sybil Brand Institute, the 13th Floor Jail Ward at the USC Medical Center, and Wayside Honor Ranch.
David earned his Bachelor’s Degree in Political Science at California State University, Los Angeles, where he was elected to the Student Body Council Board of Directors. He was also elected president of his college fraternity, Sigma Nu. David credits his fraternity brother and respected California politician Michael D. Antonovich for inspiring him to enter politics and to become a volunteer reserve police officer for the Monterey Park Police Department.
Lozano earned his Juris Doctorate Degree at Quinnipiac University School of Law in Connecticut, formerly known as the University of Bridgeport, School of Law in 1993. His accomplishments were many, but two that bring special pride to him were receiving the Thurgood Marshall Award and the Distinguished Academic Achievement Award presented by the Law School's Dean. Lozano was also the first sophomore in the school's history to be elected as the law school's Student Body Vice-President. Also while attending law school, Lozano was chosen to be a legal analyst for the Connecticut State Legislature, where he worked first-hand with the State elected officials. His duties required him to research and report directly to the various committees on the cause and effects of proposed legislative bills before being introduced into law.
As an attorney, David had the honor of working for the great African-American criminal defense lawyer William "Bill" Moffitt (now deceased) in Washington D.C. and his associate Lisa Kemler, now a judge for the Alexandria Court of the 18th Circuit in Virginia. He also worked for the Honorable Frederick Rotenberg of the Superior Court of Los Angeles when the judge was in private practice. David has worked and travelled extensively throughout the world in countries such as Egypt, Turkey, Australia, Mexico, New Zealand, China, Japan, Hong Kong, Dubai, France, Italy, Great Britain, Belgium, Holland, Germany, Austria, Fiji, and Greece. By working in these countries and associating with people of different nationalities and cultures, David has gathered a broad range of experience and insight into how businesses, governments and societies merge and cooperate to find solutions to complex problems.
David has taken on character-building jobs and challenges throughout his entire professional career. He’s worked as an elementary and high school teacher in California and Connecticut, a professional sommelier and restaurateur, an international guest relations representative, an underwater dive instructor and explorer, and a union clerk. He recently began preparation to become a college professor of history, philosophy, sociology, criminology, economics, law, and political science. Through his career and academic achievements, David has built the knowledge, experience, and skills to govern, and most importantly, to lead.
David has been married to, and inspired by, his wife Dawn for 30 years. Together, they manage to keep up with the school and sports activities of their teenage sons Christopher and William.
As a candidate for governor, David will fight for the causes, rights, and privileges of all our citizens so that they can once again enjoy and embrace the beauty, opportunity, and future of our Great State of California.
My name is David Lozano, a native born Californian, an attorney, and thus a current member of the California State Bar and prior Los Angeles County Deputy Sheriff, and I am honored to have been asked to come and speak with you here today.
Growing up in California in the 1960’s and 70’s, I have always taken great pride in knowing the joy and happiness of being raised in the beautiful surrounding communities of our Golden State, of being in our great city parks and in our safe, secure streets of our various local neighborhoods. And it was because of this feeling of safety, security and prosperity that made one believe that it would last forever. And as time passed, especially with the inclusion of science and technology, one could only believe things would just continue to get better and better – especially here in California. But for some reason, actually, for many reasons, we find ourselves in troubling times. Times of great diversity and division. And now here in California, which has always been a leading State in our country, many of our citizens find themselves out of work, families in great emotional and financial despair, business on the brink of collapse resulting in many of our long time Californians packing up and leaving the State. But there’s more. Our State faces a crises of even greater proportion. Not of natural disaster, famine or economic depression. But of hatred, fear of the unknown and bitter contempt for opposing thoughts and ideas.
We have always been a State of brotherhood. Tested at times, but in the end we prevail as one people, one government. We argue, we debate, we question and we re-debate. Always challenging our brother’s positions, and most of the time not agreeing. But we are inbreded with the concept of Democracy, which embodies the principals of equality, fairness, truth and diversity. Yes, we may embellish at times, but we always seem to emerge with an air of humility and pride for having won the day. And if we lose the argument, the contest, the battle, we would never really accept defeat, but instead, we would return to our roots, re-evaluate our steps, analyze our actions, and create a new and stronger strategy to take on the battle once again. Our State is currently divided. Torn apart by misinterpretation of ideas and ideals. We must as a State bring ourselves back together. To bond the two sides into one. Some may say this is impossible.
I say . . . we are Californians. We can make the impossible . . . . . . possible.
We can do this because as Californians we have always believed in ourselves. We have always known that our strength is not just in our body or mind, but in our character, principals, morals and ethics. Our respect and appreciation for our fellow citizens binds us together and substantiates our goal of pursuing that all important pledge of allegiance
Setting aside our petty differences is not enough. We must cast away all that has misguided and misdirected us and begin anew. We as Californians must now stand up together, dust ourselves off and begin down that path towards security and prosperity
Of course it will not be easy. It will take time, a lot of grit and determination and we will for sure stumble along the way. But that is when California is at its best. That is when we find the strength and determination to take on the unyielding battles of prejudice and racism, to confront the opponents of change and diversity and to challenge the laws and standards that have brought this State to its current level of stagnation and fear
It is therefore with great honor that I announce my official candidacy for Governor for the Great State of California. This State needs a powerful leader who has the knowledge, experience and integrity to provide real solutions for the State’s most pressing and concerning problems. My devotion to Public Service and the Administration of Justice spans over 40 years. In 1980, I took an oath as a Los Angeles County Sheriff to uphold the law and protect my community where I served with pride and distinction. Years later, in 1993, I swore an oath to defend the Constitution of the United States as an attorney, a solemn duty I cherish to this day. My law enforcement background combined with my legal experience is the foundation of my qualifications as both a leader and source of creative and innovative solutions. As a Peace Officer, I have dealt directly with issues of homelessness, drug enforcement, mental health and community safety, and as I already mentioned, as an attorney, I have fought for over 28 years for the economic rights of the citizens of this State by saving their homes from foreclosure, their businesses from closure and their lives from financial ruin.
The People of California need an aggressive, skillful advocate to safeguard their rights in a range of issues that include solutions to homelessness, police reform and affordable housing. As Governor, I will strive to take this State to heights it has never seen before. I will work to bring an end to unemployment, over-taxation and poverty. I want every young person in this State to have the opportunity to attend college and be able to afford it, every veteran to be provided the care and support they deserve for having risked their lives in protecting our country, and to let every citizen in this State to know that their vote matters. And it is my intention to take the Governorship to a level of financial stability that will cause people to stay in California and raise their families. I not only intend to make homes affordable for every resident in California, but we are going create an atmosphere of business prosperity and investment unlike anything that has ever been seen before. The State of California will not only lead the Country in development, construction, manufacturing, sales and marketing, but it will build a financial infrastructure that will cause local markets to rise with a strength that will ensure stability and confidence.
I am asking for you to believe in our State’s future by voting for me as your next Governor.